Cisco and Falzon Hour

Broadcast in Politics

Call in to speak with the host: Cisco Acosta, Mark Falzon, and guest (845) 262-0988

Join us tonight, at 9:00 pm eastern time, with our guest, Robert H. Bork Jr. appearing on behalf of his father, with an updated version of The Antitrust Paradox By Judge Robert H. Bork.

Robert H. Bork, Jr., heads the Bork Group, a 18-year-old virtual crisis, litigation, and public affairs agency, which draws from the best, most-experienced, independent communications talent.  

Topics for discussion: What was  Robert Bork’s “one person, one vote” principle? Did  Bork’s view, of the U.S. Constitution included no right to privacy? Do you believe the Democrats will pack the Supreme Court

Show Writer: Doreen Ann

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