Cisco and Falzon Hour

Broadcast in Politics

Call in to speak with the host: Cisco Acosta, Mark Falzon, and guest (845) 262-0988

Join us tonight, at 9:00 pm eastern time, with our guest: PUBLIUS GUEST AUTHOR: Rev. Rick Cole, is Senior Pastor at the Capital Christian Center in Sacramento, and author of the book, Incarnate: Jesus Among the Broken.

Over his 25 years as Senior Pastor at Capital Christian Center in Sacramento, Rev. Rick Cole has been an active ally for social justice, taking a hands-on approach to issues of racial reconciliation and homelessness in his community as well as serving countries all around the world by leading teams through global mission work. Cole pastors a congregation of over 3,000 members and leads a staff of 14 pastors in addition to 180 church and school employees. He is the co-author of two other books, Soul design: A Roadmap for Personal Growth and Souldesign: Living A Life of Love. 

Topics for discussion:  Homelessness in America, Covid and the Homelessness community, The crackdown on Homelessness in California.

Show Writer: Doreen Ann

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