Karen Golden Show Notes

“Don’t worry so much about the race because it’s not important. What really is important is living in the moment and finding the positivity in life right now.”

The purpose of the Student Fitness Experts Podcast series is to empower and educate anyone that works with kids, in a way that benefits the whole child to become successful, strong, and empowered young adults. In this episode of the SFE Podcast, Karen Gilbert, alongside her co-host, Farah Zweig, interviewed Karen Golden, a professional storyteller, arts educator and community activist.

With Karen as our special guest for the day, the episode stands out for its conversations on connecting people and ideas and Karen’s special take on home-schooling. She so powerfully radiates her positivity into everything the hosts ask about, that our minds seamlessly receive all the good that she brings out of it. With Karen also sharing her unblemished views on parenting, teaching, and learning amid the pandemic, there’s a lot to take away from today’s episode.

Tune in to learn how you can get the best for your kids and set them up for ultimate success.

About the Guest:

Karen Golden is a spoken-word artist, storyteller, published author, and musician and performs in through her teaching artist residencies in schools, universities and other educational institutions. She is also the founder-director of Creative Learning Place, a unique learning center for home-schooled students. Karen says life, faith, and her personal experiences have been her biggest teacher. She also finds her mother to be her biggest and greatest influence in life. Karen is an extremely positive and benevolent individual and gives us a lot of reasons to learn from her life and thoughts.


[00:44] About Karen Golden, a snippet of her Journey

[01:45]  Karen Golden talks about her personal journey

[02:00]  How Karen decided to start Creative Learning Place

[03:39]  About carrying out her program amid the pandemic

[04:31]  How Karen chooses the kind of classes she takes

[07:02]  About teaching children with different needs

[09:11]  Karen’s advice to parents resorting to home-schooling because of Covid

[12:12]  Karen talks about the advantages of Zoom

[13:13]  Karen on the involvement of parents with the teachers holding Zoom classes 

[14:14]  About Karen’s fitness experiences over time 

[15:37]  The turning point in Karen’s fitness life

[22:36]  On the need to find the right physical exercise for each kid

[26:25]  Karen talks about being an avid gardener

[27:30]  Karen on what being fearless means to her

[27:52]  Karen’s role-models for fearlessness

[29:13]  On people who influenced Karen

[30:29]  The teacher who introduced her to the story-telling world

[32:06]  Karen’s advice to the people working with kids

[37:35]  “Expand your humanity”

[40:35]  Connect with Karen


“Don’t worry about the epidemics and getting behind. Getting behind is unfortunately a race that many parents are involved in when it comes to education.”

“Everybody should be going at their own pace.”

“When you find a person who’s not competitive, it’s a different strategy.”

“Fearless means just going for it and doing it anyway.”

“My mother was so fearless that she ice-skated or roller-skated everyday till she was 90 years old.”

“Don’t worry so much about the race because it’s not important. What really is important is living in the moment and finding the positivity in life right now.”

“Expand your humanity. Because now is the opportunity to be a good kind person.”

Connect with Karen :

Websites : https://www.creativelearningplace.com/
