This week’s guest Laura Reardon teaches parents about how to respond to their kids' big emotions and challenging behaviors in a way that creates more peace rather than more conflict in their homes.

She was graced with 2 children, a boy, and a girl, although not a single parent...and yet…In their growing-up years, she felt frustrated, worried, and unsure how to respond to their big emotions and challenging behaviors – one would lash out while the other would shut down.

She tried many things like counting to 3, consequences, rewards, and ignoring unwanted behaviors but none of it helped. And in the end, she found herself yelling…and worrying… and felt alone in this whole parenting thing.

Motivated to grow into her best self and help her kids grow into their best selves, she earned a certification as a Child Behaviour Specialist from The Early Years, completed Parent Coach training from Happily Family, and completed Emotion Coach training with the Gottman Institute in addition to her degree in psychology from Northeastern University.

And based on that training she created a 3-step plan for how to respond to the big emotions and challenging behaviors in her home in a way that supported her in managing her own emotions and behavior…and supported her kids’ in managing theirs.

Where to find Laura