This week's guest since she was 8 years old, has studied people’s behaviors.  

It was not intentional but necessary for her survival.  

She lived in a warzone. Of course, you wouldn’t necessarily know that by walking past her house, but you did if you knew her family. She also never knew when the war battles would occur. Therefore, she always had to be prepared. One way she prepared was by studying the behavior of those in her family which would mean she had a leg up and always be one step ahead of her abusers and homes toxicity. 

The bottom line is her life was full of … ABUSE…VIOLENCE…FEAR! Today, she is grateful for her extremely traumatic childhood because it had a significant impact on her to be the therapist and coach who easily “gets it.”  

Elizabeth Louis is a personal and professional development coach who focuses on the significance of mindset and perception. Her witty, direct, and transparent communication style educates individuals by showing them life is a choice. We can either choose to allow our brain and emotions to control us by reacting or we can choose to take control and respond, as we consciously desire. 

Where to find Elizabeth