Rosemarie is a divorced mom of 3 adult sons.

She’s the creator of two podcasts: SoloMoms! Talk and Tools of the Podcast Trade. She began her broadcasting journey in 2014 when she started an online radio station to encourage single moms to find the answers to their questions.

She considers herself a mindset maven who believes mindset is everything. And things only happen when we have the courage to believe.

One example was when she drove 900 miles with her kids and all their belongings packed into their Toyota Camry to accept a two-week job and didn’t even know where they would live.

She has dealt with the sacrifices and fortitude it takes to raise three sons on your own (having multiple careers/jobs, dealing with being homeless, traveling across several states for work,

she is here with us today to tell us what it means to have the courage to believe and just do it.

Find J Rosemarie here