This week's guest is a parenting expert, astrologer, and author (her day job is banking attorney). She writes positive parenting books based on astrology in order to help parents have the best, strongest relationship possible with their children.

She offers an unique perspective on astrology and positive parenting, including reparenting as an adult in order to better parent our children.

She was a single Mom for a few years (now remarried). And her divorce prompted a review of her life and she realized that she needed to heal from childhood trauma, including the death of her father and narcissistic abuse. She began using astrology, including the study of the birth chart, to become a better parent and she has written two parenting books and publish regular astrology and parenting content on my YouTube channel

One of her main tenets is that parents should respect children's intrinsic natures rather than pressure children to be how the parents want. I call this tendency parenting from a place of ego, since it's more about fulfilling the parents’, ego needs rather than the child's soul needs.

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