Lucy Bartholomew began racing at age 15 as a way to spend time with her dad. Since this time, she has accomplished many great feats such as competing in the 6-day multi-stage race in the Simpson desert; being the world junior female sky running champion; and finishing in one of the top spots western states.

After graduating high school, Lucy has made running and healthy living her life. She hopes that through sharing her journey she encourages people to challenge themselves and give life their all.

Questions we ask Lucy include:

Running began for you at age 15 as a way to spend time with your dad. Had you always known you wanted to run?
Your first experience running an ultra was by accident. Tell us about that experience. Did you know right then and there that you wanted to run ultras?
How do you approach your races both mentally and physically?
A big part of SRC is embracing the idea that all body types are welcome in the sport. Having spoken openly about challenges with body image, how do you hope to redefine distance running for others?
Has there ever been a time where you recognized that you needed space away from the running? What was this experience like?
What has your identity become in the process... what did you replace with “being a runner”?
What is currently making you thrive?
What does being a Strong Runner Chick mean to you?
Any final shoutouts / sponsors / things to look out for?

Connect with Lucy on Instagram @lucy_bartholomew or at


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