Lindsay Walter is a Health Educator, runner and Children’s Alopecia Project Representative located in Charlotte, NC. She loves inspiring others to go after all of their dreams & show the real meaning of beauty while educating on Alopecia.
Questions we ask Lindsay include:
How did you get your start in running?
At age two your hair began falling out. Do you remember this time?
As you grew up, you wrote that you noticed you were different and didn't feel worthy of love, happiness, or joy. What was this like for you?
It seems as though movement and being an athlete was a great outlet for you! Tell us about your experience with basketball and how that transitioned into running.
What was it like for you to run races all over the country?
What was the transition like from running wearing your wig to gaining the confidence to take it off?
You are a fellow Oiselle runner, but enjoy to run on your own. What was your decision to join this community and how has this been for you? ran 27 marathons before you turned 27...INCREDIBLE!!! What are some of your best memories from these races? Favorite/least favorite races?
What does being a Strong Runner Chick mean to you?
What advice do you have for runners who may feel as though they are “different” that others in the running community?
Anything new or exciting in your future?
What is currently making you thrive?
What advice would you give your younger self?


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