Kylee Van Horn, RDN is an endurance sports dietitian, who takes a balanced, sustainable approach to fueling the everyday person and athlete.  Her mission is to separate facts from fads in the nutrition space and works to provide easy nutrition solutions to help improve health and performance.  Today, Kylee is the founder and owner of her sports nutrition business Flynutrition, which helps runners, triathletes, and skiers to learn not only the ‘why’ but the ‘how’ behind fueling for performance.  She also is a freelance writer for Trail Runner Magazine and Outside Online. Beyond her work in sports nutrition, Kylee can be found running peaks near Aspen, CO with her two australian shepherds and ultra endurance husband, Sean.

Questions we ask Kylee include:

-How did you get started in running? How did this lead you (or did it lead you) into the field of nutrition?

-What led you to open up your own private practice and help athletes with nutrition?

-When it comes to fueling as an athlete (especially a female runner), do you have a philosophy, quote, or few pillars that sum up how you see fueling?

-You mention "creating a personalized nutrition roadmap" on your website as a part of working with you. Do you have any tips for an athlete on how to go about this process?

-Under fueling and RED-S... What does it mean to be under-fueled? What are the potential consequences, and how might an athlete go about making sure they are fueling enough?

-What are a few things (topics, considerations) that athletes don't consider enough? How about ones they over-stress or emphasize (that perhaps aren't as important) in the picture of fueling?

-Are there any other topics you are most interested in as they pertain to athletes and fueling?

-Looking back, what advice would you give to your younger self?

-What is currently bringing you joy (outside of running/work)?

-What does being a Strong Runner Chick mean to you?

-How can listeners connect with you?

How to connect with Kylee:

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