Jess Mena is a DPT (Doctor of Physical Therapy), OCS, and CSCS who lives in LA and is an avid runner on her way to a BQ.

Questions we ask Jess include:

How did you get started in running, and eventually decide to pursue your career path?
When in school to become a PT, what were a few of the most surprising things you learned or anything that shifted your perspective?
What are some most common injuries to runners, including causes and solutions, such as: Plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, IT Band Syndrome, Runner's Knee, LB pain, and Shin splints?
What advice would you give to your younger self? How about for someone currently struggling with injury?
What does being a Strong Runner Chick mean to you?

Connect with Jess:

Instagram: @tempo_with_jess


Special shoutout to our summer sponsor, Tanri Outdoors Sunscreen! There is no better time to grab a sunscreen that is made by runners, for runners. Tanri is an all-natural sunscreen, lip balm, and moisturizer to protect you from the sun and keep the planet in mind. Head on over to @TanriOutdoors or and use code "SRC" for 10% off your order!


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