Bio: Heather Hart is an exercise physiologist, full time running coach, mom of two, and ultra runner who believes that ordinary people can achieve extraordinary feats.  Together with her husband, Heather co-founded Hart Strength and Endurance Coaching, an in person and virtual coaching service specializing in helping people balance training with family, work, and "real life".  Over the last 15 years, Heather has participated in a gamut of endurance sports, from road running, to triathlon, to obstacle course racing, and even adventure racing.  But her heart and soul is running on the trails.  When she's not training for ultras, you can find Heather as a regular in the weight room at the gym, or writing educational posts and sharing personal stories on her blog Relentless Forward Commotion.

Questions and topics for Heather:

How did you get your start in running?

Training for first 100-miler, 50k, 50miler/100k… main differences? How much time commitment and training is involved?

How did you get your start in running? How about in trails and ultras?

For someone training for their first ultra and/or trail race... advice on how to start? Mileage/time to aim for with various distances -- 25k, 50k, 50-miler/100k, 100-mile?

Do you consider HR, PE, and/or any other factors with your athletes? What role do these play in our training?

What role does "vert" or climbing hills play in training for an athlete? Any tips for someone who lives in a flat area but is training for a hilly/mountain race?

How can we balance life/responsibilities with our huge goals and training commitments? Any tips on fitting training in?

Advice you would give to your younger (or pre-trail/ultra) self?

What does being a Strong Runner Chick mean to you?

Any final shout-outs?

Shoutout to today's show sponsor, Naak Bar!

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