Alya Alghamdi is a professional athlete, originally from Saudi Arabia, living and training fiercely, both in Dallas, TX and Los Angeles, CA. Her mission is to become an international track and field athlete as she competes for Saudi Arabia at the 2021 Olympic Games in Tokyo.
Questions we ask Alya include:

Growing up in Saudi Arabia, how did you initially get started in running? What initially drew you to the sport of running?

How did early experiences inform your decision to move outside of your country and pursue running elsewhere?

You are going after breaking some major records, including your country’s record for track’s three main events – the 60-meter dash, the 100-meter dash, and the 200-meter dash. What are some challenges you have faced during this process, both in terms of cultural restrictions and as a female athlete?

What has your experience been like with diversity and representation in sports, particularly having lived and trained in various countries?

What does your life currently look like with changes in the Olympics? How have you found ways to adapt and continue to stay focused on your goals?

One of your many accomplishments includes climbing Mount Everest! Tell us more about the highlights and challenges of this experience.

You mention that cooking is a form of self-care. What are a few recipes you enjoy cooking up most? Any other activities you enjoy for self-care?

How do you hope to shift the narrative for Saudi women runners? Any advice you would give to them, or ways you hope to change their future?

What does being a Strong Runner Chick mean to you?


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