Amy’s Bio:

Amy Brennick has been racing 5k's for the last 20 years. She is a lover of the outdoors, creating and co-founding an outdoor running and kettlebell bootcamp called Lift & Sprint in the Bay Area with her Kiwi husband. She is the mom to a lively 4-year old daughter and dreams of traveling the world with her family while creating a vibrant online community of 5k Strong runners.

Her mission is to make the 5k the new marathon. She believes that running faster and using kettlebells will elicit the health and aesthetic benefits in less time than traditional long distance running programs. She is in the final beta testing of 5k Strong, an online 5k specific running and kettlebell program designed to meet you where you are and help you to run your fastest 5k.

Questions we ask Amy include:

How did you get your start in running and since then, how has your journey evolved since then?

What are a few fundamental lifts for runners interested in kettlebell training?

For runners interested in training with kettlebells, where would you suggest that they begin?

What are the biggest misconceptions that runners have about lifting, especially in terms of clients that you see?

How do you combine and/or separate running from lifting in your workouts?

Share a bit more about your business, Lift and Sprint, and what you're up to!

Recently, we’ve both dove into online business coaching with Jill Coleman (@jillfit!). What has been your biggest takeaway so far and how do you hope to evolve over the next several months?

What is currently making you thrive / what are you stoked for in 2020?

What advice would you give to your younger self?

What does being a Strong Runner Chick mean to you?

How can listeners connect with you?

Connect with Amy on Instagram: @runfaster5ks


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