Hi loves! Hope you enjoyed your 3 day weekend! We took the day off for the podcast as well and decided to come back after celebrating the holiday!

We are feeling so good about today's guest and hope you love this feel good filled episode!

Meet Jasmine Montoya, Intuitive Healer, Reiki Master, Coach and Single Mama! Today's episode is really grounding and healing in so many ways.

Jasmine and Ali sit down to podcast right after Ali got to have her own reiki session and energy healing and was blown away!

Jasmine shares her own journey with us of how she went from NY and corporate to recently moving to Los Angeles and how she fell into energy healing and wanting to help others heal as well as what's holding them back in any aspect of their lives, breaking societal and cultural norms, and help them reach their goals through accountability, support, energy healing and coaching.

Jasmine and Ali speak today about mindfulness, energy healing as well as ancestral healing, sitting with ourselves, and what we can do in our daily lives.

Why healing is so necessary to move forward in our own lives and for ourselves to have peace and happiness.

Ali and Jasmine talk about having compassion for yourself, not shaming ones self, and how you know YOU the best and can love on yourself the absolute most!

Jasmine talks about especially as mothers how we always give all of ourselves to everyone but Us, and how we can check in daily on what we need, not our to do list, but WE actually NEED. Connecting in nature, meditation etc, and how we do that.

This is such a deep conversation on working on ourselves as humans, mothers, what came up for Ali with her own healing session and so much more.

Follow Jasmine at:




If you want to book a session with Jasmine, I would encourage you to do so! Even if you're not sure and want to try it out, it's worth trying!

Mention Ali or the Striptd Down Podcast when you book :) 







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