***TRIGGER WARNING: Mentioning of doxxing***

This is a heavier episode. I can't sugarcoat it and nor should I on such a serious topic. Doxxing is something that happens to SWers unfortunately, more often than you think. My friend, Lulu Adore, was doxxed recently by a complete stranger just a few short weeks ago. She has wanted to come out with her story to warn others that, despite being careful and private about her life, it still happened to her. Not only that, but Lulu also shares, in extensive detail, the backlash she has gotten from her parents and family with her participation in SW. It's not pretty. It's not sugarcoated and nor should it be. This podcast episode is around to share the very real details of the realities that some folks have to live and I thank Lulu for her bravery on speaking out. Listen in and let us know your thoughts.



For the month February and March, I will be showcasing several small SWer owned and operated businesses in an ad in within these show notes. Please go and support your SW small businesses!

Red Door Products is a new adult toy company focussing on providing quality toys and normalizing pleasure.  Our vision in the future is to provide a space not only to shop but to talk about your desires in a non-judgemental environment.




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