Today’s episode features 3 content creators, Donna Diamond and Dylan from MeetMe, and Sebi from Tik Tok. 

Donna and Dylan share how they first got started with live streaming, how they wound up on MeetMe, their top tips for streaming, and what they have learned from becoming a top streamer. Sebi shares how he grew a following of 1.8 million starting on and now on TikTok, how he feels about the app’s rebranding, and his experiences live streaming on and YouNow. 

Today’s episode is also part of a series of episodes that were recorded at the recent Playlist Live conference. If you haven’t heard our other playlist interviews, definitely go back and check out episodes 14, 15 and 16. 

Additional notes: 

Donna Diamond

When she first started streaming her content was mainly pranks
Loves the simplicity of MeetMe, less complicated than which felt too overwhelming 
Suggests other streamers make sure they have a niche, and that they also think of the bigger picture. Don’t just think of yourself only as a live streamer but as a content creator 
Build true friendships, don’t make people feel used 
Moving forward she wants to help other streamers and coach them 

Find her on Instagram @amy.boiss 


His streams are all about positivity and he strives to create a drama free environment to help people escape their problems 
Paid attention to what top badges were doing, put in a lot of hours, then things finally took off 
Won the contest to come to playlist and has been blown away by the experience
Has heard of Twitch but likes this format of streaming better 
Dylan said he doesn’t really get competitive, just likes having fun, always seeking advice from other top badges, would rather learn from them than compete against them
Streaming can be draining, harder that you think, you want to constantly entertain people, answer comments, be high energy
He has gotten to know so many other streamers through live streaming and now getting to meet them in real life it feels very natural
A lot of people, the way they act during a stream is the way they are in real life, harder to play a role when you’re live streaming because you’re streaming so often and for such long periods of time 

Find him on Instagram @dylan.fitness_


Originally starting growing a following on which has now become TikTok. He doesn’t like the re-branding but still sticking with it because he has such a large audience there
Currently has 1.8 million followers
Mainly posts workout and comedy videos 
Seemingly simple videos actually take a lot of effort and he’ll often shoot them several times before he gets them right
Besides creating content, he has to put in a lot of time responding to comments
He really liked streaming on because that was directly connected to his account, but now no longer exists. He has also tried streaming on YouNow but didn’t like it as much. 

Find him on TikTok @Sebi