
In this episode, Jeffery Downs discusses the concept of limiting beliefs and the phrase 'I've never been good at that.' He emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for personal growth and challenges the idea that certain skills or abilities are inherently unattainable. Jeffery also explores the role of ego in streaking and how it can hinder progress. He encourages listeners to change their mindset and adopt a consistent and consecutive approach to building strength in any area of life. The episode concludes with a preview of future topics, including the importance of making learning stick.


Limiting beliefs can hinder personal growth and prevent individuals from developing new skills.
Taking responsibility for improvement is crucial in overcoming self-imposed limitations.
Ego can be a barrier to progress and should be checked when pursuing streaks.
Consistency and consecutiveness are key to building strength and achieving mastery in any area.


00:00 Introduction and Background
03:00 The Phrase 'I've Never Been Good at That'
06:00 Taking Responsibility for Improvement
09:00 The Role of Ego in Streaking
12:00 Changing the Mindset and Building Strength
15:00 Conclusion and Future Topics

Live an intentional life, start Streaking. Streaking is the social media app for intentional self-improvement. Download Streaking app and start your own streaks also invite your friends to follow and celebrate your progress! You can learn more about Streaking by buying the book at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Indie Books.

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