In this podcast dedicated to the larger concepts of geopolitics, host Rodger Baker, Senior Vice President for Strategic analysis at RANE, explores the concept of Philippinedization. His guests are Dr. Chester B. Cabalza, Joshua Bernard B. Espeña, and Don McLain Gill. All three are with the Manila-based think tank  International Development and Security Cooperation (IDSC). Their recent book is called The Rise of PhilippinedizationPhilippinedization is not Finlandization. The authors describe "Philippinedization" as "the process whereby a weaker state, backed by a powerful country, goes through great lengths in temporarily refraining from opposing a neighboring great power by resorting to economic and diplomatic rapprochements at the strategic level but strengthening its national security infrastructure on the operational level."  Subscribe to RANE worldview. Right now, get 4 weeks for $1. Visit