We want to thank our sponsors the Minnesota Soybean Research and Promotion Council, along with the Minnesota Corn Research and Promotion Council.

Contact information for today’s show: 

Bruce Potter, Extension IPM Specialist - [email protected] Fei Yang, Extension Corn Entomologist - [email protected] Lizabeth Stahl, Extension Educator - crops - [email protected] 

MN Crop News:  Northern corn rootworm and extended diapause problems increase in areas of Minnesota – https://blog-crop-news.extension.umn.edu/2023/07/northern-corn-rootworm-and-extended.html 

Handy Bt Trait Table for 2023:


Scouting for Corn Rootworm:


Strategic Farming: Field Notes Podcast site -  https://strategicfarming.transistor.fm/ 

Recordings of sessions will be available as a podcast at: https://strategicfarming.transistor.fm/episodes  

Subscribe and share this link with your networks: https://z.umn.edu/fieldnotespodcast 

Crops Team - Upcoming Events https://z.umn.edu/UMcropevents

Crop production website - https://z.umn.edu/crops

MN Crop News - https://z.umn.edu/cropnews

UMN Crops YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/UMNCrops/