The roof of Bullabudur itself threatens to crash down upon the adventurers - what will they do to get out of this one- OH GODS GIANT SNAKE!!

This part of the adventure is based on our interpretation of The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan, originally published in 1980 in the Greyhawk setting, written by Harold Johnson and Jeff R. Leason. 


Cheyenne Vazquez
Zachary Moore-Smith
Benjamin Weiner
Michael Giacomelli
Jesse Shiroma

Composed & Arranged by Darkbriar (Ben Weiner)

'Rising Tide,' ''Morgana Rides,' 'Stay The Course,' 'Trouble With Tribals,' 'I Can Feel It Coming'
By Kevin McCleod
Licensed under Creative Commons:
By Attribution 4.0 License

Additional Music from Syrinscape