We all know about the atrocities caused by Nazi Germany during WW2, but very little light is shed on the devastation caused by Imperialist Japan at the time, specifically against the people of the Filipino Isles. During the height of the war women under Japanese control in the Pacific experienced ultimate vulnerability. Girls and young women, which were rarely differentiated from each other, were killed or captured and turned into ‘comfort women’. Now we are not talking about brothels or sex work. These comfot women were taken to comfort homes where they were kept as sex slaves for Japanese soliders. So they were actually serial rape houses, sanctioned by the Japanese military. Rape, abduction, mutilation, executions were all daily threats, so much so that everyday tasks like fetching water, or picking up groceries became to dangerous to do alone. This is what caused one school teacher to rise up and become one of the only female guerrilla captains in her area.


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