In this Winter Solstice Special Episode we help you get through the longest, darkest night of the year and the soul (in the Northern Hemisphere at least), together. Well, not just get through it, but cherish it and revel in its beauty. We talk about the astrology of the season, the psychology of the longest night, what this season means for you, AND, most importantly, we’ve got a ritual guide to help you make the most of all of it.


Special Offers:

This is your last chance to purchase our famous Strange Magic workshops. Once they come down on December 19th, they're down for good, so get them while they're hot. Workshops include:

Spells: A Guide to Spell CastingHigh Priestess & Intuition: Trusting Your Inner VoiceThe Shadow Knows: Finding Power in the Hard Cards



Win A Free Session With Amanda (by submitting a review of Initiated)

To enter to win a free tarot session with Amanda (and get a downloadable altar prayer PDF, guaranteed), all readers of Initiated need to do is review Amanda's book on Amazon or Goodreads + their Instagram Feed and then submit a screenshot via email here ([email protected]). For each review (Goodreads, Amazon, or Instagram) you will receive a separate entry. 3 reviews = 3 entries to win. Good odds for a good cause! Thanks for your participation!! Offer ends December 18th.


Grab some incredible gifts for the Modern Women in your life by shopping Sarah's shop. She's got an incredible array of shirts, sweatshirts, tote bags, zines, art and more. Support Sarah's small business this holiday by CLICKING THIS LINK.


Amanda References:

Adam Elenbass of Nighlight Astrology The spiritual ecology book "Coming Back to Life" by Joanna Macy and Molly Brown and the concept of Positive DisintegrationThe poem by Marie Howe called "What the Living Do"Amanda refers to an essay in The Atlantic by Emily Esfahani Smith
about rituals for dealing with grief. The book The Spiral Dance by Starhawk.



Text for the candle lighting ritual (by Amanda Yates Garcia)

I am _____. [Describe who you are, i.e. artist, lover, friend, etc.]

Example: I am Amanda Yates Garcia, witch, writer, artist, and Oracle of Los Angeles.

This year I have lost ______ to the night. [Describe what you have lost, be it personal or political].

Example: This year I have lost a lot of time to internet vampires, and countless hours worrying over the fate of our world under kyriarchy.

And by the powers of the Goddess within me, from the darkness of this, the deepest night, I call forth the light of ______. [Describe what you want to call forth into the world and why]

Example: And by the powers of the Goddess within me, from the darkness of this, the deepest night, I call forth the light of generosity, to use my words and actions to empower people to create a more beautiful, loving and compassionate world.

Chant While Burning Your Solstice Herbs

The text for the chant is by Starhawk from her book The Spiral Dance. Please buy this book! Please note I do not include the full chant so as not to infringe on copyright. If you want the full chant buy Starhawk's book or visit her website.

A great way to do this chant is to go around your circle and name your losses, toss the herbs into the fire, and then everybody chants the text together and you keep going round until you feel satisfied.

[whatever you lost] is lost to the night

[whatever you lost] is lost to the night

To fall and rise again

To die and be reborn

What more must [you/I/we] lose to the night?



Get in touch with sponsorship inquiries for Strange Magic at [email protected] . Or, contact Sarah, Amanda, or Carolyn below to book a session or just to find out more:

Sarah Faith Gottesdiener *(moon witch, artist, tarot reader, designer):

To sign up for Sarah's newsletter, click here.

To buy Sarah's "Many Moons Lunar Planner," CLICK HERE.

Sarah's Instagram


Amanda Yates Garcia (art witch, healer, writer):

To sign up for Amanda's newsletter, CLICK HERE.

To order Amanda's book, "Initiated: Memoir of a Witch" CLICK HERE.

Amanda's Instagram

Amanda's Facebook


Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs (musician, artist, producer):

Carolyn's Instagram



Sarah Faith Gottesdiener, Amanda Yates Garcia, Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs. With editing help from Jiha Lee.