We were so excited about this episode we put it out a day early! Intuition. Is it real? Is it just wishful thinking? Can you trust it? How do you listen to it? In this episode we answer these questions and more.

In this episode, you'll find out just what intuition is and why it's useful. Also, Sarah and Amanda share some of the things they wish someone had told them when they first started practicing this stuff on their own.

***Finally, don't forget to sign up for our High Priestess: Trusting Your Inner Voice online intuition workshop this Sunday, 9 June 2019. 2pm PST. ***

Last day to sign up is Friday, June 7th, 2019 at 5pm PST.


If you can't make it to the workshop, don't worry! If you sign up, we will send you a download next week with an MP3 recording of the class, plus all our beautiful downloads.

Some of the topics covered in the class will be:

Intuition and the tarot
What the High Priestess can teach us about our own intuition
How to utilize the imagination to access your intuitive gifts
How to start trusting our inner voice
And how to stop gaslighting yourself and work with, not against, your own inner voice of truth

Can't wait for you to join us! Click here to sign up.


** Get in touch with Strange Magic at [email protected] . Or, contact Sarah, Amanda, or Carolyn below to book a session or just to find out more:**

**Sarah Faith Gottesdiener **(moon witch, artist, tarot reader, designer):



Sarah's Instagram

**Amanda Yates Garcia ** (art witch, healer, writer):


Amanda's Instagram

Amanda's Facebook

**Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs **(musician, artist, producer):

Carolyn's Instagram