We’ve got a great show for you today with the writer and witch elder Jamie Della, author of A Box of Magic, The Book of Spells and many other magical titles. In this episode we go into things like working with and calling in mentors; navigating your Saturn return; the difference between witchcraft, Wicca, and Druidry; how to work with tarot cards in your magic (and why you should); how spells work and what they do; healing spells, cord cutting spells, and how to understand the court cards. In other words, this is a very practical episode and we know you’re going to get a lot out of it. Jamie Della is full of wisdom and offers great insight into not only the how of magic, but the WHY of magic. Join us today, Between the Worlds!



Jamie Della is an ordained Priestess and the author of nine books, including The Book of Spells: The Magick of Witchcraft and The Wicca Cookbook. Her essays, poems and articles have been published by The Manifest Station, Edible Institute Magazine, Rebelle Society, and Sage Woman Magazine. She has an essay in Riverdale Ave Books’ #MeToo anthology and a column called “Herbal Journeys” in Witches & Pagans Magazine. Her honors include “Best Reference Book” from the International Latino Book Awards for the Latino Writers & Journalists and “Book of the Month” for Rogelia’s House of Magic by Las Comadres Para Americas. 

Instagram: @jamiedellawrites

Website: jamiedella.com

Jamie's Box of Magic Giveaway:  Sign up for Jamie's Instagram to be registered to win a Box of Magic!

In your box you'll get a personalized signed copy of A BOOK OF MAGICK by Jamie Della; Box of Magick candle from @twinmoonmagick; Barefoot Priestess Spray from @mtshastagoddess; and Be Nourished Tea from @oshalafarm; Ribbons for knotwork (instructions are on page 125 of A Book of Magic). 


You can still get our workshop: QUEEN OF CUPS, SONG OF THE SIREN: Chants, Prayers, and Invocations

To join Amanda's MYSTERY CULT on Substack click here.

Listen to Carolyn's podcast for artists and writers with Beth Pickens Mind Your Practice, and join their Homework Club



In this course, you'll learn how to call your longings into being through the timeless art of prayer, chanting, and invocation. You'll learn to create spells and rituals simply by using your voice, with the tarot as your guide. By the time you complete this course you'll be able to offer prayers at your gatherings, write chants to help you access your intuition, and devise invocations to call your intentions into the material world. Inspired by the Queen of Cups, this workshop will teach you to access your inner muse, awaken your creative spirit, use your voice as a tool for meditation, magic, and offerings from your heart to the world.


You can buy this as a one off or become a member of our coven where you get workshops, monthly tarot studio classes, and lots of other goodies included in the cost of membership.

Become a Between the Worlds Weird Circle Subscriber, click here.


Learn More About Your Host Amanda Yates Garcia

To join Amanda's MYSTERY CULT on Substack click here.

To order Amanda's book, "Initiated: Memoir of a Witch" CLICK HERE.

Amanda's Instagram

To book an appointment with Amanda go to www.oracleoflosangeles.com


Original MUSIC by Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs


Get in touch with sponsorship inquiries for Between the Worlds at [email protected].


Amanda Yates Garcia (host) & Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs (producer, composer). The BTW logo collage was created by Maria Minnis (tinyparsnip.com / instagram.com/tinyparsnip ) with text designed by Leah Hayes.