On today’s episode we’re talking with Tyson Yunkaporta, author of “Sand Talk: How Indigenous Thinking Can Save the World.” Tyson is a senior lecturer in Indigenous Knowledges at Deakin University in Melbourne and is a member of the Apalech clan in Queensland, Australia. "Sand Talk" explains how the teachings of aboriginal culture can help us imagine a way to a sustainable future by emphasizing community and connection over individualism and fragmentation, and by cultivating respect for the land. In this episode, we talk about how even when Western cultures seek out indigenous knowledges, they lack a framework to be able to understand what they're being offered. Indigenous thinking, according to Tyson, is relational. It requires long term connection and commitment to the community and the land. It’s not just about using didgeridoos, or smudge sticks, (or wands and cauldrons as the case may be), it's about engaging with a larger matrix of connectivity that is the TRUE essence of indigenous thinking and way of life.. We're really excited to share this episode with you! Thanks for tuning in!


References in this episode include:

Tyson Yunkaporta, "Sand Talk: How Indigenous Thinking Can Save the World."Tucker Carlson Had A Witch On His Show, It Did Not Go As Planned, https://www.huffpost.com/entry/tucker-carlson-witch-interview_n_59c1c14ce4b0186c2206b97fMichael M Hughes, "A Spell To Bind Donald Trump and All Those That Aid And Abet Him."




This Aquarius Full Moon in Leo Season is the Visionary Moon, the Claiming Moon, and the Herb Moon. Leo season asks us to show up with a heart full of courage. Aquarius is the sign of the visionary. This full moon is the time to show up with courage and envision the life you want; not just for yourself, but for all beings.

Ritual is on Zoom and by donation - 7/23/21 6:30pm PST. To register CLICK HERE. 




TEMPERANCE: Potions, Offerings, & Rituals of Transformation :  In this workshop you will learn to use ordinary substances to make big magic in your everyday life. Cooking magic, cleaning magic, love magic, and more. You'll learn how to whip up a spell using the things you have in your kitchen, create offerings for your ancestors, and a clearing bath that will restore your soul. Click here to find out more. 

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Learn More About Our  Guest Tyson Yunkaporta

Tyson Yunkaporta is an academic, an arts critic, and a researcher who is a member of the Apalech Clan in far north Queensland. He carves traditional tools and weapons and also works as a senior lecturer in Indigenous Knowledges at Deakin University in Melbourne. He lives in Melbourne and his book "Sand Talk: How Indigenous Thinking Can Save The World," is out now via Harper Collins.

Buy his book "Sand Talk" via his publisher page: https://www.harpercollins.com/blogs/authors/tyson-yunkaporta



Learn More About Your Host Amanda Yates Garcia

To sign up for Amanda's next ritual, click here: FULL MOON IN AQUARIUS

To sign up for Amanda's newsletter, CLICK HERE.

To order Amanda's book, "Initiated: Memoir of a Witch" CLICK HERE.

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Amanda's Facebook

To book an appointment with Amanda go to www.oracleoflosangeles.com



Original MUSIC by Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs

Check out Mind Your Practice - Carolyn's new podcast with arts consultant and author of Make Your Art No Matter What, Beth Pickens.

Mind Your Practice is geared towards artists and writers looking for strategies and support to build their projects and practices (plus loving pep talks). There’s even a club - “Homework Club” - which offers creative people a framework for keeping their projects and practices a priority with *actual homework* and optional accountability groups made up of other artists and writers!

You can visit MindYourPractice.com for more details or listen wherever you stream Between the Worlds.



Get in touch with sponsorship inquiries for Between the Worlds at [email protected].



Amanda Yates Garcia (host) & Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs (producer, composer). The BTW logo collage was created by Maria Minnis (tinyparsnip.com / instagram.com/tinyparsnip ) with text designed by Leah Hayes.