Everyone knows the 3 of Swords, because everyone has known heartbreak on some level, or will someday. When this card appears, so too does hurt. But the hurt points to something authentic and true within your nature that is not being treated with the care that it needs. The solution is tenderness. Our medicine is humility and gratitude. While we might resist the 3 of Swords, it’s actually a good thing, because its wisdom helps us become capable of true intimacy. We might not push people away, or project as much, now that our wounds are being made visible. The poison is also the medicine. As our guest Jessica Dore says in this episode, the 3 of Swords reveals "the dirt-work of the heart"... if we dig hard enough, we might just get a garden.

Our guest today is Jessica Dore, who has a brilliant, soulful approach to the tarot, which she offers via her exceptionally popular Instagram and Twitter feeds. She’s a licensed social worker, who also worked in publishing for many years, and now she’s a full time tarot maven. She’s got a book on the tarot coming out next year through Viking, and we can’t wait for you to meet her and hear what she has to say about the 3 of Swords.


Find out more about our special guest, Jessica Dore: writer, social worker, and tarot aficionado....  

Visit her website: https://www.jessicadore.com/

Check out her Instagram feed: @thejessicadore

Or her Twitter feed: @thejessicadore



*Cutting the Cord with 2020 - a Banishing and Welcoming Ritual Workshop*

In this workshop we’ll be processing through some of the teachings of 2020 so that we can use them to move forward in the new year. We’ll be releasing our sorrows and clearing our wounds. Then, we’ll welcome in the ways we’d like to grow and flourish in the coming year. 


We hope you join us for this beautiful ceremony, our magic is more powerful when we do it together! 

(But if you can't be there with us, you'll also receive a download you'll have access to forever). 

This is a Between the Worlds workshop and can be purchased as a one off, or is included in your Jupiter level subscriber membership.  Click here to register.


Learn More About Your Host Amanda Yates Garcia, & Buy Her Book

To sign up for Amanda's newsletter, CLICK HERE.

To order Amanda's book, "Initiated: Memoir of a Witch" CLICK HERE.

Amanda's Instagram

Amanda's Facebook

To book an appointment with Amanda go to www.oracleoflosangeles.com



Mind Your Practice - Carolyn's new podcast with author and arts consultant, Beth Pickens - is geared towards artists and writers looking for strategies and support to build their projects and practices (plus loving pep talks).

There’s even a club - “Homework Club” - which offers creative people a framework for keeping their projects and practices a priority with *actual homework* and optional accountability groups made up of other artists and writers!

You can visit MindYourPractice.com for more details or listen wherever you stream Between the Worlds.


Original MUSIC by Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs


Get in touch with sponsorship inquiries for Between the Worlds at [email protected].



Amanda Yates Garcia (host) & Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs (producer). The BTW logo collage was created by Maria Minnis (tinyparsnip.com / instagram.com/tinyparsnip ) with text designed by Leah Hayes.

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