In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Anaea Lay presents Roshani Chokshi's "The Wives of Azhar," read by Karen Bovenmyer.  You can read the full text of the story, and more about Roshani, here.Karen Bovenmyer earned
her MFA in Popular Fiction from the University of Southern Maine's
Stonecoast program in July 2013. Some of the places her dark fantasy and
scifi horror stories and poems have appeared are Bonnie Stufflebeam's Art & Words Show, Crossed Genres
Magazine, and Abyss & Apex Magazine. She is the Nonfiction Editor for Escape Artist’s new magazine Mothership Zeta—Issue
0 is currently available for download and Issue 1 will debut in October
2015. Karen had a wonderful time making this recording at Peter
Brewer's Easy Brew Studio and highly recommends his audio-engineering talents.