In this episode of the Strange Horizons podcast, editor Anaea Lay presents Yukimi Ogawa's "Hundred Eye." You can read the full text of the story, and more about Yukimi, here.This episode has a special guest reader, Khaalidah Muhammad-Ali.Khaalidah Muhammad-Ali lives in Houston, Texas with her
husband and three children. By day she works as a breast oncology nurse. At all
other times she juggles, none too successfully, writing, reading, gaming and
gardening. She has written one novel entitled An Unproductive Woman available
on Amazon. She has also been published at Escape Pod and has publications
upcoming in An Alphabet of Embers anthology, STRAEON 3, and Diabolical Plots. Khaalidah
also reads slush at where she is on a mission to encourage more
women to submit fantasy stories.

Of her alter ego, K from the planet Vega, it is rumored that
she owns a time machine and knows the secret to long youth.

She can be found online at
and twitter at @khaalidah.