Here’s the Strange Brew guide to 2004. Strange Brew was in its third year in the Warwick in Salthill, and has also began a weekly live club in the Róisín Dubh.

Featuring Franz Ferdinand, Autamata, Cathy Davey, The Go! Team, Of Montreal, Suburban Kids With Biblical Names, Dogs Die In Hot Cars, Modest Mouse, The Walkmen, Mark Lanegan, Rilo Kiley, Morrissey, Hot Chip, David Byrne, Windsor For The Derby, Jeff Martin, The National, Iron & Wine, The Postal Service, 66e, The Libertines, Interpol, The Redneck Manifesto, Rest, Waiting Room, PJ Harvey, Saul Williams, Arcade Fire & Jape.

#strangebrew #8radio #gugai #try8radio #2004

Every Friday at 9pm & Saturday at 7pm on

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