Well, this was a big one!! The power couple of the United States Special Forces.

Tom spent 20 years in The US Military and service in SFOD Delta ( known as Delta Force) and has gone from fighting in the Battle Of Mogadishu  ( where the movie Blackhawk Down came from) to helping people fight their inner demons alongside his wife Jen at allsecurefoundation.org .

This was an amazing show talking about the journey from post traumatic stress to Post Traumatic Growth, and it was phenomenal to hear Tom and Jen’s personal story as to how their relationship started.

We spoke about the book “The Body Keeps the Score” finding your tribe and leaning on them,  and how to heal on the homefront. 

Tom and Jen hold 4 day Special Forces veterans couple’s retreats, which is absolutely brilliant because the secondary effect of post traumatic stress on the spouse or partner can be crippling to a relationship, and as humans are such social beings, we simply do not heal in isolation.

One of the most eye opening moments of the show was Tom speaking about his greatest healing moment and I won’t spoil it for you, but it brought out his compassion and empathy to a level he had not known he was capable of before.

Overall this was a fun, rare and enlightening talk with 2 powerful and successful individuals who are truly on this planet to help others.

You can find them at www.allsecurefoundation.org

All Secure Foundation
http://facebook.com/AllSecureFoundation/Instagram: allsecurefoundation

Virago (For Warrior Spouses)
Instagram: virago_allsecurefoundation

I am Damian Porter , Former NZ Special Forces Operator, Subject Matter Expert from www.hownottodie.com.au

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