So everything is really weird right now isn’t it? And it gets weirder (or less weird) depending on where you live. 

I have coped (and continue to cope) very badly with this pandemic. I’m certainly not a special unicorn, no one is themselves right now but a big part of what I perceive as my societal worth is competence. I like being the person who has their shit together and this pandemic has totally stripped me of that. I’m not for one moment suggesting that’s a healthy existence but up until this point pinning my self worth on productivity hasn’t ever been an issue because I could just go about being productive and getting my gold stars. Yay me. 

So you can imagine that I’m not having a great time of it. I think it’s important to be transparent about where I’m at when I’m putting together resources like this. I’m trying and sometimes I’m succeeding and sometimes I’m not. And that’s cool. 

And really, I’m fine. I just want my life back - my proper life back. We all do but we won’t really know when that will be. 

This week’s episode is all about making certain plans in uncertain times.
If you’re interested in anything you heard about on today’s show just click here for the show notes. 

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