Previous Episode: 607: Last Couple Standing

Welcome to Straight 2 L, a podcast about the television series The L Word! Host Tonya invites Suzanne and Whitney to take a deep dive into the 15-year old show, answering questions like:

Is the final betrayal us having to watch this show? Will detectives usually control interrogations and not let Alice talk about her ex-girlfriend? What resolution did Jenny get on that iPhone 2 video of Bette? Who decided Max would have to wear a Sonny Bono mustache? Would the last episode have been better if they just wheeled Jenny’s body back and forth in the house in front of Angelica?

Pop on Bette and Tina’s 3-hour goodbye tribute and navigate the series finale where we found out whether Tonya’s arthritis would keep her from ripping off a tank top, Whit’s big news, and whether Suzanne finds out if Jenny actually died.