Written by Jules Corriere with  Anne G'Fellers-Mason, David Junah, and Leon Overbay

Stage Manager/Production Assistant     Matthew Gulley

Sound Engineer     Jared Christian

Sound Effects       Gary Degner

Music Director      Brett McCluskey

Special Music Guest      Ubunibi-Afia Short

Editor     Wayne Winkler



Jonathan Baker

Angelitti & Joe Bradley

Paul Braxton

Walter Buford

Dr. Daryl Carter

Richelle Conley

Jules Corriere

Gary Degner

Anne G'Fellers-Mason

Stephen Goodman

Matthew Gulley

Sabra Hayden

Laurie Herlich

Timothy Herron

Gregg Huddlestone

Brett McCluskey

Stefanie Murphy

Tülay Neal

Linda Poland

Anita Hodges Taylor



Heritage Alliance

WETS 89.5 FM

International Storytelling Center



Town of Jonesborough

McKinney Center

Tennessee Arts Commission

Gary and Sandee Degner

Wild Women of Jonesborough