In which we discuss "Sweet on the Tongue" by Roxane Gay and "Parakeets" by Kevin Brockmeier, along with, among other things: love, trauma, companionship, and the plural of abyss.

In which we discuss,

1. "Sweet on the Tongue" by Roxane Gay, Ayiti, 2017 (read online in LitHub)

2. "Parakeets" by Kevin Brockemeier, View from the Seventh Layer (read online in Granta)

Along with, among other things...

That one book, Grief Works by Julia Samuel
That one film, Take This Waltz
And that other film, The Abyss
Also, Safety Not Guaranteed and I’m a Cyborg but That's Okay
A discussion from the episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer called "Lie to Me" (a YouTube clip of that discussion)
That one bookstore Pages of Hackney, a most excellent indie bookstore in London which you should visit
A poem quoted in Before Sunrise by W.H. Auden, “As I Walked Out One Evening”
An interview with Kevin Brockmeier did with Chris for The Yalobusha Review

Also. Also.

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Thanks for listening.

Happy reading.