In which we discuss DANCE CARD by Roberto Bolaño and A KISS WITH TEETH by Max Gladstone, along with, among other things, silhouettes, monsters, and the musical stylings of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.

In which we discuss,

1. Dance Card by Roberto Bolaño, Last Evenings on Earth.

2. A Kiss with Teeth by Max Gladstone, Tor, 2014.

along with, among other things…

Roberto Bolano

Some reviews of 2666 & Savage Detectives
A User’s Guide to Bolano, from The New Yorker

Max Gladstone

“4 Reasons to Read Max Gladstone’s Craft Sequence.”
Reviewed by Amal El-Mohtar at NPR

Things of an otherwise nature

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, all that sadcom jazz.
That one thing, from The Atlantic, in which the amazing Jenny Zhang wrote about “Dance Card.”
That one episode of Storyological in which we talked about “The Woman Who Lived in a Restaurant” by Leone Ross.
That one story, “Inventory” by Carmen Maria Machado..
We talked about Carmen’s story “The Husband Stitch” here.
That one author Adam Ehrlich Sachs, who we interviewed here and discussed some of his stories here.
That one episode of Storyological in which we talked about a story by Clarice Lispector.
That one book The New Voices of Fantasy, ed. Peter S. Beagle.
That one song “A Kiss With a Fist” by Florence and the Machine.
That other supernatural couple featuring vampire hunter and vampire, Buffy and Angel.
Bradbury’s stories of the Elliot family.
That one episode of Storyological where we discussed the story, “Cat Person.”


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Happy reading.