Previous Episode: 777: We Few, We Happy Few
Next Episode: 779: Fear-Setting

In many ways, Stories Mean Business is an ongoing argument for depth.

Yesterday, Wendy and I went to see Magic Goes Wrong, a show by the Mischief Theatre Company ... but co-written with Penn and Teller!

As in all their plays (so far) the audience is treated to actors playing ... actors (or in this case magicians) who are putting on a show that is falling down before their eyes.

Often literally.

And as things fail, in funnier and funnier ways, what we get is ... depth. The sense that we are looking through the surface of something into the truth below.

The very human truth.

Which is pretty close to how I feel about storytelling in business. When we break out of the bullet-point mindset, we get the chance to go deeper, to create a connection, and to build trust.

And trust is rocket-fuel for business (as I may have mentioned before).

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