Previous Episode: 755: Dreams or Memories

Yesterday, I got a fantastically honest voicemail from a client. She was feeding back on a first draft I'd done for her.

It's not just "wrong" she said, "it's REALLY WRONG".

Then, at the end of the call, came the line that mattered.

"This is why I love working with you, Nick. I know I can be honest."

Three reasons this matters:

A relationship without honesty is useless (business or otherwise).
Most clients find it easier to push against something than define exactly what they want. In fact, I had asked her to "throw stones at it" (and boy did she).
The feedback wasn't about me. Other copywriters she’s used couldn't make that distinction, and fell away.

This is how we build trust and long-term relationships. By showing up, learning from feedback, and getting closer to the target.

This is how we build our ethos and benefit from feedback.

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