Last week, a friend put me onto his favourite clothing brand L'Estrange, and said something that got me interested.

"They have a really interesting ethos."

Full disclosure. I'm not into clothes. I standardised on jeans and black t-shirts a while ago, but I went to the website to see what story [[L'Estrange]] was telling.

Turned out of be very interesting. To summarise...

"Fast fashion has created a wasteful, throwaway culture. Most clothes are worn less than ten times. We're doing things differently."

For comparison, in my local supermarket I can get a black t-shirt for £4. But because I want better quality I pay £20 at Landsend. At L'Estrange a basic black t-shirt costs £40.

What's the difference? The quality obviously, and therefore the longevity ... but also the story you'd be telling yourself about the kind of person you are. You'd wear a L'Estrange t-shirt without any visible branding (which is the other way businesses 10x the value of cloth) ... and only you would know.

That plus the remarkable fact that l'Estrange actually offers to try to fix their clothes if something wears out.

All these things mean that when I next need a t-shirt I'll be giving them a try.


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