Let's do yesterday again. Here's the LinkedIn post I mentioned.


Here's how I've leveraged Laziness, Recklessness and Vanity to create 1,164 daily podcasts (so far)

Like you, I'm busy. Like you I have clients, customers, deadlines and family stuff.

But I’ve put out 1,164 daily podcasts over the past 3 years.

Here are the 3 'negative' traits I’ve leveraged to do it.

1: Laziness

I'm lazy.

#Simplicity is the key to #efficiency, so I’ve built a brilliantly boring* and repeatable process:

Each podcast is short and built around one idea.

No guests (aside from Seth Godin/@ThisIsSethsBlog for ep.1,000)

Super-simple tech stack. No editing, music or ads.

(I recorded right into my phone for ages. Now using @DescriptApp.)

*Successful #business people understand the brilliance of #boring. 

2: Recklessness

I'm reckless.

If in doubt, I hit publish.

The goal is #consistency, NOT #quality.

I know that 582 of my podcasts are below average, but they'll be different for each listener – depending on who they are and what they need when they hit play. 

So I put it out there, everyday. Good or not.

Of course, quality is a critical part of business, but it's often also a trap and an excuse.

You didn't start walking once you knew how to do it.

No, you were gloriously reckless.

3: Vanity

I'm vain. 

Occasionally, I'm tempted to skip a day. Maybe I'm overwhelmed, knackered, or on holiday. 

But then vanity comes to my rescue.

Because I've made this thing part of my identity.

(And identity, whoever we are, runs deep.)

Other people give up, get discouraged or are constantly distracted by some shiny new thing.

Not me. 

I do the reps that build the reputation.

Step by step, brick by brick.

Who wants to break a streak of 30, 50, 100, or 1,000?

Not me.

Head up. Back straight. Do the work.

Vain beats pain.


Years ago, I'd ignore or deny or my personal failings. 

These days I put them to work.


The Stories Mean Business podcast with Nick Warren.

One Idea A Day, Every Day.

Get deeper into business storytelling:

