Here's something you haven't thought before.

You are powerless to resist the storyteller inside your head

This picture nails the point...

If you've never seen Game of Thrones, it's a fairy-tale wedding. If you have, it's a visceral knot of tension and dread.

And whichever is it, you have no choice. The voice inside you roars ahead, freighting the image with inference, meaning and story.

And that story changes reality in a way you can't resist.

Which is why storytelling is such a powerful skill.

Every human on earth has the same storyteller inside their head, automatic, effortless and involuntary.

When we learn the tools and techniques of storytelling, we can harness that power to focus attention our audience, and change reality around them.

Like yesterday, when I laid out the 3-line story that accelerated my digital agency back in 1999.


Nothing changed ... but everything changed.

I didn't talk about lower prices or agile working ... I let their storyteller do it for me.

This is the best kind of persuasion for a very simple reason. No one likes to be sold to ... but everyone LOVES selling to themselves.

And that's what the storyteller does.

Over the next 30 days, I'm going to post 30 storytelling techniques you can thread into your business, content or personal brand .

For extra fun, we'll illustrate them with TV shows, movies and other geeky stuff.


The Stories Mean Business podcast with Nick Warren.

One Idea A Day, Every Day.

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