Here’s a puzzle…

Most leaders agree that storytelling is powerful, but few can articulate why.

Here’s a big clue >>

In the New York Times bestseller, Pre-Suasion, Robert Cialdini demonstrates our vulnerability to tiny signals …

His examples blow my mind:

How writing down a big number makes us more likely to buy an expensive box of chocolates.
How hearing French music makes us more likely to buy a bottle of French wine.
How asking whether someone is adventurous makes it more likely that they will try an untested product.
How handing someone a hot drink can make them feel more warmly towards us.

In each of these cases, the unconscious 'landscape’ bleeds out into the decision making brain.

Small things can make a big difference.

Which hints at why storytelling can be so powerful.

Well-crafted stories aren’t small … they command, direct and focus attention.

That’s why they can reshape reality.

Tomorrow, I’ll reveal the 3-line story that launched my web agency in the late 1990s.

It’ll be right here at 7.17AM, London time.


The Stories Mean Business podcast with Nick Warren.

One Idea A Day, Every Day.

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