Previous Episode: Midnight 45
Next Episode: Mokkie's Double Diner

A pair of physicians observe the bizarre and dying practices of their profession’s predecessor, the remedy man.

Genre: Fantasy, Science Fiction


The wounded man, his wife, the vulnerary, and the two physicians made their way out of the kitchen and into the yard where the chickens were still pecking away at their breakfast. It was winter, but a mild one. The risen sun had already baked the chill out of the ground and the air. The vulnerary coaxed a rooster toward his patient. The wounded man gripped his wounded arm with his opposite hand. He held his arm out as the vulnerary corralled the rooster toward it.

“I’m afraid I must object,” one of the physicians said.


Story: “The Remedy Men” Copyright © 2018 by Nila L. Patel
Narration, Episode Art, Editing, and Production:  Nila L. Patel


Trip-Hop Lounge Abstract Background” by Digital Emotions (Intro/Outro)


Music by ANDREW SITKOV (MuzStation Game Music)*
“Medieval Theme #3”
“Medieval Theme #5”
“Medieval Track #2”
“Medieval Theme #4”
“Medieval Theme #1”
“Lyric Voices #5”
“Adventure Track #1”


Music by NICHOLAS JEUDY (Dark Fantasy Studio)*
“A way to find the truth”
“The village”
“A way to find another truth”
“Medieval fiesta”


Music by ALBERT FERNANDEZ (Audio Alchemist, Potion Studio)*
“Locations_Medieval Tavern Song”
“Exploration_Cave (loop)”
“Locations_Village (loop)”
“Holy_Hymn (loop)”
“Locations_Court Song”


*These tracks were part of a music and sound effects bundles I purchased from Humble Bundle and sourced from GameDev Market.


Music by Andrew Sitkov, Albert Fernandez, and Nicholas Jeudy is licensed from GameDev Market
Sound effects from AudioJungle and GameDevMarket


Find more music by Digital_Emotions at
Find more music by Andrew Sitkov, Albert Fernandez, and Nicholas Jeudy at
Find more stories by Nila at


Episode Art Description: Digital drawing.  A rooster seen in right profile, facing right, standing amidst thin patches of grass. Emerging from out of frame at top right is a forearm, fingers lightly curled, held steady by the opposite hand, as if being presented to the rooster. A long deep gash runs vertically from just above the inside of the wrist along the arm. A light silhouette of tools and other objects are seen in the background.


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