Strange happenings in one household trigger a police investigation that reveals a deeper mystery.

Genre: Mystery, Science Fiction


A few days later, Reggie mentioned seeing a “weird-looking dog” in the backyard when he came home from school. He looked it up and realized that what he’d seen was a fox. But if there had indeed been a fox in the yard, it had run off by the time Reena went to look. She’d never heard of any fox sightings in the town proper. But aside from a few jokes at dinner about wildlife passing through their backyard, the Songs had no further concern.

Then, items began to appear. An old-fashioned lantern lying outside in the yard. A rake that no one remembered buying. And one morning, Reena came downstairs to find a stack of plates in the kitchen that didn’t belong to the family.


What’s the Word (that inspired the story)?
Intertemporal: Describing any relationship between past, present, and future events or conditions. (source: Wiktionary)


Storyfeather-themed merchandise
T-shirts, mugs, stickers, notebooks, baby onesies, and more featuring artwork from stories and art challenges



Story: “The Mystery on Marigold Drive” Copyright © 2019 by Nila L. Patel
Narration, Episode Art, Editing, and Production:  Nila L. Patel


Trip-Hop Lounge Abstract Background” by Digital Emotions (Intro/Outro)

Music by NICHOLAS JEUDY (Dark Fantasy Studio)*
“Silent walk”
“Monochromatic stain”
“Cold case”
“Virtual reality”
“Investigation day”
“In search for (seamless)”
“Do or die”


*These tracks were part of a music and sound effects bundles I purchased from Humble Bundle and sourced from GameDev Market.


Music by Nicholas Jeudy is licensed from GameDev Market
Sound effects from AudioJungle and GameDevMarket


Find more music by Digital_Emotions at
Find more music by Nicholas Jeudy at
Find more stories by Nila at


Episode Art Description: Digital drawing. A street map with a few labeled elements and denser detail in the middle, which shows a grid of streets. At top center is a green area labeled “Exeter Park.” At bottom center is another green area, unlabeled. One of the streets curves down into a body of water labeled “Dragonfly Lake.” Just outside the grid, in each other cardinal direction is a circle. The circles are labeled “Circle North,” “Circle East,” Circle West,” and “Circle South,” according to their position. Radiating out from the center of the map is a web of cracks or tears. One of these cracks terminates at upper right on a house symbol on a side street labeled “Marigold.” Other parallel streets nearby are labeled “Olive” and “Park.” The original image is a horizontal rectangle. Borders are added to the top and bottom showing faded portions of the map to make the final image square.