The magnificent warrior women Scathach and Aife both play a major role in Cú Chulainn's future life and exploits but they are not the only women who actively engage with out young hero..

Join the Story Archaeologists as they attempt to come to terms with the number of  dalliances and romantic interludes encountered   by the young man on his ventures to Scathach's mysterious northern island in his quest to win his canny bride, Emer.
Read the text for yourself!
This episode discusses only the second half of this text. The first half was addressed in the previous episode, 6.05 : 'The Wooing of Emer."

Tochmarc Emire la Coinculaind
The Wooing of Emer : translated by Kuno Meyer, based on LU and Stowe MS 992 (D. iv. 2)].
Verba Scathaige: (Translation by P.L. Henry)
We also referred to  Series 3.03 The Well and the Cheese, with reference to the violent death of Derbforgaille and Medb