Studio Stories is Hawkwood's brand new series of short podcasts that will give you a glimpse into what goes on on our artist residencies. Recorded at Hawkwood from the artist studio space. Enjoy this first episode with Matthew Barley.

Matthew Barley has created a unique international career full of improvisation, new music, cutting-edge computer technology, collaboration with jazz and Indian musicians, education, and arranging – but always with cello playing at the heart. He has played with some of the finest orchestras (Frankfurt Radio Symphony, BBC Philharmonic/Scottish, Czech Philharmonic), in some of the greatest concert halls, given premieres by major composers (MacMillan, Dusapin, Larcher) and appeared on tv and radio worldwide. He counts himself blessed to be able to dream up unusual projects and (usually) make them happen, and also pursue his own personal dreams of spending time with family and in nature.