Hello friends… this is THE TRANQUILITY NETWORK… a product of Confectionary Industries Association… I am your neurological spirit guide on this trip through your DIGESTIVE SYSTEM... you didn’t think this was a FOOD RELATED HUMOR did you?  That’s funny…

STS SPOOKTOBER is brought to you by THE TRANQUILITY NETWORK, which is produced in collaboration with Stories Telling Stories and STS Media Group… Killing you softly at Mitlhouse Studios in Milton, Vermont… Casting around the globe to your frontal lobe wherever podcasts are found… SPOOKTOBER is also streaming on YouTube @ StoriesTellingStories.  Make sure to give us a review wherever you stream our show, we really appreciate it!  Make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram, give us a subscribe on YouTube, and consider supporting us on Patreon for exclusive rewards starting at $1 a month or more!