My mother has been moved to hospice care to spend her remaining days. I've been spending as much time with her as I can. I decided to read her stories and share it over livestream. This is "A Christmas Memory" by Truman Capote.

It's been a difficult few weeks but we're doing the best we can as a family right now. After discovering that the hospice house has really good internet speeds I decided to try livestreaming last week. For my test, I did a reading of "A Christmas Memory" by Truman Capote. For those of you that don't know, I played Truman a few Septembers back in the one-man show "TRU" and it was one of the most difficult things I have ever done. I picked up a first-edition of this book to use as a prop on stage but I never properly read it... just the bits that made it into the dialogue for the show. But even though it's been a few years, from the start to the end of the read, you can hear me slipping into a lighter version of my TRU accent.

Anyway, I can't necessarily say there will be more of these, but if time and energy allow I may see about doing a few more. The musical season finale is currently up in the air, but I'm giving myself between now and new years to see if I can pull it off. But I'm not putting pressure on myself to make sure it's done.

Sending my love and best holiday spirits to you and yours as we close in on Christmas and New Years. 2020 was a hell of a year... let's hope 2021 brings us brighter days.