This is the first half of “Everything’s Eventual” episode 4 of our 5 part “Hell to the King” series for STS SPOOKTOBER 2023.  Be sure to tune in episode 5 to hear the second half of the story! 

STS SPOOKTOBER is produced in collaboration with Stories Telling Stories and STS Media Group… writing you a personal letter at Mitlhouse Studios in Milton, Vermont… Casting around the globe to your frontal lobe wherever podcasts are found… SPOOKTOBER is also streaming on YouTube @ StoriesTellingStories.  Make sure to give us a review wherever you stream our show, we really appreciate it!  You can show your support for free by following us on Facebook and Instagram, help us get to 500 subscribers by subscribing on our YouTube Channel, and if you so choose, going a step further and supporting us on Patreon for $1 a month or more!

And until next time... Stay spooky!