Samantha lived for 15 years in a very haunted house, having her first experience when she was only 3 years old. After her family moved to a new house, they realized that whatever had haunted them on the other property had followed them. She is also an author of fiction and non-fiction books. | Host/Narrator – Marlene Pardo Pellicer voices_inthe_night_podcast.mp3File Size: 72777 kbFile Type: mp3Download File [...]

Samantha lived for 15 years in a very haunted house, having her first experience when she was only 3 years old. After her family moved to a new house, they realized that whatever had haunted them on the other property had followed them. She is also an author of fiction and non-fiction books. | Host/Narrator – 

Marlene Pardo Pellicer voices_inthe_night_podcast.mp3File Size: 72777 kbFile Type: mp3Download File